Thursday, September 15, 2011

Equity Investing-Facts and Factors

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Equity Investing
-Facts and Factors

When investors purchase shares from a company that is registered in the list of public company, this process is called equity investing. It implies that a section of the company is being owned by an investor. Investors fear the business language-accounting and financial statements-although they should really understand it. For investors, this is one of the most important things for them to know before purchasing or engaging in equities of a company.

Since investors won't need a banker to help them understand the three most basic fundamentals and essential financial statements, these turns out to be cheaper than what they would have expected. Below are the three important fundamentals and financial statements:

  • Balance sheet
  • Cash flow statements
  • Income statements


The fundamental and financial statements will progress by understanding how an equity works. If an investor is by heart interested in equity investing, he must think about the factors that affect this investing. Here are the factors to be considered although they are divided to basic parts:

  • Search for wide range advantages. Since there are many companies, look for the one that offer many advantages. Commercial industries often in the profitable ones are the main place where these companies are seen. You can guarantee that the earnings gained here are transparent and predictable. Plus, the returns are higher than capital cost and it has a longer staying power in the industry
  • Safety margin. Never assume how a stock market will set off because that is just impossible to do. The best thing that you can do is to purchase a stock that is selling in a decent safety margin.
  • Go for a decent safety margin if you want to trade stock. The reason for this is to eliminate any risks that may occur in your investments.
  • Be brave in holding cash. Holding your cash will benefit you because you will never know how a stock market will flow. Once the volatility of the market arises, you can appreciate the value of holding your cash. This way, you are ready when a company sells a stock at a bargain price even if you are not ready with it. Holding cash is the best option because potential assets such as mutual funds and mortgage rates are unpredictable.
  • Hold few stocks. Owning a small number of stocks must not get you fearful. Although owning more stocks is a good strategy, sometimes having a fewer stocks and wait for its value to increase is an excellent thing to do. The reason for this is because you can guarantee that its value will have a significant increase in time on your earnings.

Equity investing is an excellent way of investing your money. By doing so, you are assured of having more profits. Why not invest on equities if you are looking for something to invest and see how well it turns out.

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